All of us do plan in our daily life. It maybe in forms of short term or long term. No one wake up and starts their morning without any plan in his or her mind.
For instance, in short term we plan what to do in office, where to have lunch, to meet friends after work etc. As for the long term, we plan to own a big house, buy dream car, get married, travel around the globe etc.
Question is…will it be easy for us to accomplish things we had initially planned? Life is not as easy as we thought it would be. We seldom anticipate obstacles/hurdles that might come right before our eyes and ruin our plan.
How do we deal with obstacles? Some people become discourage, get depress, blaming God and maybe hang their heads. People always blame others and seldom blame themselves. For most of us, enemy is always out there.
As for Muslims, we must believe in “Qada & Qadar”. We must discover what Allah (God) want us to do and why He award us such obstacle. (You should be able to find why I refer obstacle as “award” by end of this article).
I have one story to share. The story has been my motivation in dealing with obstacles. God knows that I have been test with greatest obstacle in my life. Yet I am still here and never let the obstacle to ruin my life, my career or my family. I work harder and dream even bigger. I thank God that I received the story through e-mail weeks before I received a new that could possibly ruin my whole life.
“Once upon a time, there was a cruel king rule a kingdom. He lived with very good health and never fell sick. There was also an Imam lived in the kingdom. One day the Imam had flue and he died days after that. The King lived for many years with good health and ruled the kingdom very cruelly”.
Having heard that story some of us might be thinking that God is unfair. He granted good health to the cruel king and at the same time taken back the life of the Imam. Why is that so? God give illness because He wants us to repent of some sin. God did not give the cruel king illness because God plan for the king to serve punishment in the world thereafter. As for the Imam, he had done some mistake in the past. Therefore, God gave illness because God didn’t want the Imam to get punishment in the world thereafter. God promise him heaven.
The moral of the story is, God have plan, in fact better plan for us. If not in this world, in the world thereafter. His way is always the best way even if to us it seems all wrong.
So, every time I face obstacle, I feel so blessed. At least I know for sure that Allah pay attention on me and have plan for me.
“If you can find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn’t lead you anywhere”Frank A. Clark
For instance, in short term we plan what to do in office, where to have lunch, to meet friends after work etc. As for the long term, we plan to own a big house, buy dream car, get married, travel around the globe etc.
Question is…will it be easy for us to accomplish things we had initially planned? Life is not as easy as we thought it would be. We seldom anticipate obstacles/hurdles that might come right before our eyes and ruin our plan.
How do we deal with obstacles? Some people become discourage, get depress, blaming God and maybe hang their heads. People always blame others and seldom blame themselves. For most of us, enemy is always out there.
As for Muslims, we must believe in “Qada & Qadar”. We must discover what Allah (God) want us to do and why He award us such obstacle. (You should be able to find why I refer obstacle as “award” by end of this article).
I have one story to share. The story has been my motivation in dealing with obstacles. God knows that I have been test with greatest obstacle in my life. Yet I am still here and never let the obstacle to ruin my life, my career or my family. I work harder and dream even bigger. I thank God that I received the story through e-mail weeks before I received a new that could possibly ruin my whole life.
“Once upon a time, there was a cruel king rule a kingdom. He lived with very good health and never fell sick. There was also an Imam lived in the kingdom. One day the Imam had flue and he died days after that. The King lived for many years with good health and ruled the kingdom very cruelly”.
Having heard that story some of us might be thinking that God is unfair. He granted good health to the cruel king and at the same time taken back the life of the Imam. Why is that so? God give illness because He wants us to repent of some sin. God did not give the cruel king illness because God plan for the king to serve punishment in the world thereafter. As for the Imam, he had done some mistake in the past. Therefore, God gave illness because God didn’t want the Imam to get punishment in the world thereafter. God promise him heaven.
The moral of the story is, God have plan, in fact better plan for us. If not in this world, in the world thereafter. His way is always the best way even if to us it seems all wrong.
So, every time I face obstacle, I feel so blessed. At least I know for sure that Allah pay attention on me and have plan for me.
“If you can find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn’t lead you anywhere”Frank A. Clark
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